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Build your Self-Leadership
Thrive personally & professionally

Is the voice in your head a friend or foe?

For years the women I support have told me they’re holding themselves back. They've explained how in their heads they know they have experience, expertise, and skills and want to stretch and grow, pursue new goals, make a bigger contribution and impact. But slowing them down and keeping them stuck are:

  • self-doubt
  • fear of judgment, and
  • concern about what they feel they should be doing

I have intimate experience with these thoughts and beliefs. They've catapulted me into the Comparison Trap. Kept me in  a business that was draining the life out of me. Stopped me from reaching my full potential. Frustrated, infuriated and devastated me.

I now know how much self-doubt lies to you, recycling old stories, relying on comparison, social conditioning, and external definitions of success that are often completely irrelevant to how you actually want to work and live.

Now add ADHD to the mix!

When I was diagnosed at 53 and began to understand the impact of this neurological difference in my brain, when I began to speak with other neurodivergent women, I was floored to discover how much louder the voice of doubt is for us.

Fortunately, I had access to a powerfully effective approach to help manage this obstacle - Self-leadership. It's not a magical cure, but it definitely helps tame the Inner Critic that can be relentless, keeping us "smaller and stucker" than we need to be!


Self-Leadership:  Actively developing a confident sense of who you are, taking ownership of what you do, and being intentional about where you are going.

A whole new world opens up when you can lead yourself.

Self-Leadership is the key to thriving in Your Next Chapter

To lead yourself effectively you need to know who you are and what's most important to you.

  • Identifying and then leveraging your unique talents, skills, and strengths enables you to set and pursue aligned goals that are ultimately more satisfying and enriching
  • Understanding your personality and emotions provides important insights into your tendencies to think and react in certain ways. This knowledge then allows you to influence yourself, choose to respond more consciously, and change habits that no longer serve you
  • Knowing your values allows you to appreciate what matters most to you and this awareness enables you to make better decisions on how you will conduct business, work, and life.
  • Owning your worth and the value you create provides you with clarity, creativity, and the internal authority that delivers enduring, solid confidence
  • Supporting your physical needs with mindfulness, good nutrition, movement, and nourishing rest determines the level of vitality and capacity you have to support your vision

Self-Leadership transforms you into a fully empowered individual with the mindset, tools and practices to thrive.

The PERMA Model of Positive Psychology

Widely acknowledged as the "father" of Positive Psychology, Dr. Seligman’s PERMA™ theory of well-being outlines five building blocks that enable flourishing – Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (hence PERMA™).

There are many different routes to a flourishing life and the Positive Psychology approach is descriptive, not prescriptive. You ultimately decide what choices to make or what to value, but research shows us that when you make more informed choices to live a more fulfilling life that is aligned with your values and interests, you are far more likely to thrive.

My Self-leadership approach is anchored in the principles of PERMA, important for everyone and essential for ADHD'ers with our wired-for-interest brains, sensitive nervous systems, active Default Mode Network, vulnerabilty to RSD, and hunger for meaning and connection.


What is the Self-leadership mentoring program?

It's a four-stage mentoring experience typically experienced over 12-weeks.

It is grounded in an evidence-based Positive Psychology approach delivered through personal ZOOM sessions, email support and hand-selected resources.


Part One: Cultivating Self Awareness
Know yourself

Research suggests that when we have accurate self-assessment, we're more confident and creative, able to make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively. Thus, we begin with a comprehensive self-discovery process where we explore your:

  • Current level of Self Leadership
  • Values
  • Strengths
  • Personal Vision & goals

This allows us to identify your growth edges to work with and to begin to design the path forward towards the goals that are most important to you.


Part Two: Cognitive Skills
Thinking clearly

Our inner mental models determine what we perceive from the external world, how we think about it, what emotions are evoked, how we react, and consequently, the results that we produce. Thus we focus on:

  • Developing constructive thought patterns to improve the quality of your inner dialogue, transforming it from critic to sage
  • Identifying and reframing limiting beliefs, unconscious fears, and assumptions such as overgeneralising, all-or-nothing thinking, or systematically discounting the positive.
  • Moving from over-reliance on external validation (self-esteem) to internal advocacy (self-worth)
How do you make a decision in your business

Part Three - Emotional Dexterity
Feeling deeply

Developing emotional intelligence and literacy, what I refer to as Emotional Dexterity, helps you to become more adaptable and resilient in times of change and uncertainty. You will be able to harness higher levels of self-efficacy and access a sense of equilibrium and clarity to work with more ease toward your goals.

We look at:

  • Your emotional vocabulary
  • Emotional regulation
  • Effective communication
  • The React - Respond - Rise Process
  • The skill of self-compassion
Self Leadership Coaching Program - the RISE PROCESS

Part Four: Self-Motivation
Acting intentionally

Self-motivation stems from genuine interest and passion and thus success, as you define it, often requires that you rely on your own acumen and self-belief to see your vision through. Motivating yourself to achieve without deadlines or emotional support takes focus and self-belief.

We look at:

  • Self-Determination Theory
  • Positive Goal-Setting Principles
  • Self-Reflection practices
  • Natural Reward strategies
  • Discernment in decision making

Self motivation for self leadership
Keeping you energised with self leadership

We'll also explore what enhances your sense of Vitality so you can fuel yourself through life.

Who is Self-leadership Mentoring designed for?

I originally developed the Self-leadership framework to blend with my business strategy work, as I could see that the best strategy in the world could never be effective if the person charged with implementing it was shackled with self-doubt. So it's a core part of my mentoring of business owners and it's also been very helpful for professional women navigating their careers.

And after my ADHD diagnosis I realised that the principles were equally helpful in working through the heightened self-doubt a lifetime of RSD had served up and the uncertainty that overwhelm and emotional disregulation delivers.

These really are skills for life!

If you are:

  • At a crossroads in your life, keen to make new decisions for the next stage of life that really serve you
  • Tired of listening to that negative voice inside, but not sure how to quieten i
  • Wanting to pursue a promotion or a new career path, but keep holding yourself back
  • Stuck in comparison, feeling less than, not enough, or that you've left it too late
  • Unsure of how to turn your ideas into reality, stuck in procrastination or perfectionism
  • Berating yourself - surely by now you "should have it together?"

Self-leadership mentoring will help you to turn the page and begin your next chapter!

Just some of the benefits of Self-leadership

  • Greater conviction
  • Less comparison
  • Higher confidence
  • Stronger internal guidance
  • Improved wellbeing
  • More meaningful goals
  • Deeper fulfilment
  • Less need for validation
  • Lower stress levels
  • Reduced indecision
  • Increased optimism
  • Higher self-efficacy
  • Greater productivity
  • Deeper impact
  • Contentment and self-acceptance

I’m delighted to meet you!

Angela Raspass - Business Strategist, Mentor and Facilitator

Hello there, I'm Angela Raspass.

I'm a Business Mentor and Facilitator for women and a late-stage (@ 53) diagnosed ADHD'er - a new awareness that changed a LOT!

Back in 2012 I realised that bigger does not necessarily mean better and that a successful business is not a great consolation prize for a life where I felt overworked, unhealthy, unfulfilled, and just not happy. That realisation took me down a new path, my own Next Chapter, the business you have found here today.

Since then, I've combined my years of business and life coaching with studies in Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Acceptance Commitment Training (ACT), EFT,  Strengths Profiling, and a library of books and seminars to focus on the power of Self-leadership.

I want to anchor you in this vital skill set so you can develop the discernment, resilience, confidence, courage, and self-belief to create the future that best fits you in Your Next Chapter.

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