What's your level of

Take our assessment to find out!

Self-leadership has a significant influence on your business success

As a business owner, you've no doubt heard how important it is to have a positive mindset. And that's true. But there's another crucial layer we need to explore - Self-leadership.

As a strong Self-leader you replace the influence of external validation with the power of internal authority, ensuring that the business goals you set are the right ones for you. 

The 5 principles of Self-leadership power your strategy - its direction, content and implementation.

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The 5 Self-leadership Principles

The principles are interdependent and synergistic and the skills that underpin each area can be developed and sharpened.

  • Self-Knowledge: Understanding your strengths, values, and driving forces.
  • Flexible Thinking: Deciphering complex situations and making informed decisions.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Managing your triggers and reactions and fostering mutually beneficial relationships.
  • Intentional Action: Aligning your energy and focus with your business goals so you gain traction, rather than just take action.
  • Personal Vitality: Establishing support systems to ensure you can remain enthused, motivated, and resilient.

How does the assessment work?

  • 18 questions: Usually taking less than 5 minutes to complete.
  • Simple Responses: For each question, you'll select a response ranging from "not at all accurate" to "very accurate".
  • Clear scale: Your self-assessment will determine if you currently have a Foundational, Sound or Strong level of Self-leadership
  • Self-leaders Guide: You’ll then have the option to register to receive a copy of the comprehensive PDF guide I've developed that offers actionable insights to enhance your skills, ultimately elevating your business growth.

Over 300 businesswomen have taken the assessment to date and I know you'll find the insights and guidance it provides rather useful!

This assessment is based on the Abbreviated Self Leadership Questionnaire (ASLQ) developed by Houghton, J.D., Dawley, D., & DiLiello, T.C. in 2012.