Feedback - what it's like to work together

Jo Hanlon

Jo Hanlon

I have been in business for over 10 years largely on my own and have attended and continue to attend a number of networking events, business training seminars, and professional development forums. Few of them, however, provided the holistic approach and the on-going sharing I craved.

Tired of trying to do it all my own, not seeming able to share with others my challenges and feelings due to lack of or a fleeting interest in only, I was looking for a small group of like-minded people who were experiencing similar challenges after having been in business for a number of years. I didn’t need anything at the “101” level and wanted more than just a sole coach focused on me, I needed to have a space to explore the answers to more complex issues in business whilst enjoying the moral and mindset support of others. I learn best by seeing and participating, so when Ange and I tossed around this concept well over a year ago and then she brought it to life, it felt like it had been created for me and people like me at just the right time.

The Diamond Mastermind group is a small group or women with whom I have developed an intense relationship built on trust and care, I know them well and I feel they know me. That is very different from other networking groups which seem to exist with the sole purpose of getting bigger and brighter and I often feel are there to largely benefit the group “owner”. This group is based on a longer lasting intense interaction where we can bring our whole-selves, happy/sad, good/bad, success and challenges, that is, we can show up warts and all and feel supported not judged.

I didn’t anticipate the generosity of care from all the members – we started off unknown to each other and now have a fast bond. I have such a feeling of real support, interest and care, knowledge and understanding of my / our issues from all and the quality of input from each person without pressure or expectation is great.

Angela is the perfect person to lead these groups, her generosity of heart and spirit, her true love and care for us, and it seems for all women, her ceaseless search and sharing of anything and everything that may help is true, inspirational and authentic. Her true intention to do what she says she wants to do shines through.

If you’re thinking of joining a Mastermind – JUST DO IT!