Feedback - what it's like to work together


Mags Sheridan


Our first chance to work together was a retreat in which she took several business women up the coast and we spent four days diving in to our businesses. This was a perfect introduction and immersion in her methods and jump-started me into a fresh energised and focused business plan. I knew signing up for the year-long mastermind would be worth it.

In both the retreat and in the mastermind, there is a great mix of Angela teaching us and each of us teaching the others. She’s great at bringing out people who are feeling shy and making sure everyone gets plenty of time. She smoothly encourages each of us and gives gentle pushes back when needed. She demonstrates her values by being consistently generous, honest, and clear.

I am surprised how much value I’ve gotten from the mastermind with Angela. I have gained clarity on my most-aligned clients and how to reach them, on the structure of my business, and how to structure my life to make a successful business work for me. I’ve worked on both the big vision and the small steps to get there. I’ve also had the chance to share my own perspective and help my peers, and to feel part of a community of like-minded business women. I’m so glad I made this investment.