Feedback - what it's like to work together


Bev Ryan

I have been familiar with Angela’s work now for several years and have admired the way her own business communications and offers are structured.

I have two arms to my book business – coaching and production – and mainly wanted to get clarity on my book coaching offers instead of listing a hodge-podge of services. I also wanted to identify an ideal opt-in offer and sequence of communications to help attract potential clients and communicate with them over time.

Angela does her homework before the call so I felt she really knew what I was about.

The ID profiling tool was a perfect starting point for both of us as we then had a common language, to begin with. Her discussions about the profile results added a new depth of understanding and reassurance for me, giving me a better understanding of the value I offer my clients.

Angela’s questions about my business offerings helped me answer my own uncertainties, and her suggestions about my website content and navigation from a marketing perspective were very helpful and insightful. The discussion about my coaching offers and identifying that I do not actually want to offer the long-haul program was a weight off my shoulders.

The advice on how to streamline the content on my website so the navigation is clearer for others was extremely useful and much of it was easy to implement straight away.

The suggestion for an ideal opt-in document gave me a clear framework to work with – I now just have to make a deadline for myself and do it.

I am very confident that a strategy session with Angela will give any woman in a micro or small business the clarity they may be seeking at any stage of their business.