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Helping you to
grow your business

The benefits of a strategic growth partner.

My clients usually get in touch because they find themselves at a plateau, a turning point, or with a big idea or goal on the drawing board. They're poised for new growth but in need of someone they can talk things through with. Someone who can help them to develop a priority map and an action plan.

Founders and leaders are often isolated decision-makers, even when they have staff. The gaps to close, opportunities to capitalise on and actions to take aren’t clear in the way they can be to someone on the outside who can see with fresh eyes.

This is the role I play - an experienced, resourceful partner who helps you to recalibrate and grow your business. I'll create structure and strategy for your ideas and plans, stretching and broadening your business horizons.

Business Mentoring with Angela Raspass

My clients say they love working with me because I’m incisive, direct, and fast, asking questions that spark new thinking, and contributing fresh, game-changing ideas.

They appreciate how I get to the heart of a challenge, see the big picture, evaluate and prioritise actions, and recommend what needs to start, stop and continue with their current strategy.

I promise to share experienced advice and candid, straight talk. We’ll have frank and fearless conversations grounded in empathy, creativity, and practicality.

As we collaborate, I’ll have access to your fabulous track record in business - your experience, skills, strengths, and client feedback to build your next chapter.

Perhaps even more important, is what I won’t have access to – those parts of your internal narrative that focus on doubt, past disappointments, comparison and more…

And that means my thinking about what’s possible for you and your business is never limited by that voice.

Business consulting, mentoring and facilitation services

My core services

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Business Consulting

Business strategy support for founders, partners, teams, and associations through one-off brainstorming sessions, half or full-day workshops, specific projects, or ongoing engagements.

Business Mentoring

For owners of a service-based business, practice, or consultancy wanting support with direction, innovation, and decision-making to catapult business growth while elevating their self-leadership.

Mentoring for ADHD'ers

For ADHD'ers wanting personal support in their business growth, career development, and/or life from someone who sees the world through the same lens!

Facilitation Services

I guide and manage group events on and offline - meetings, workshops, retreats, panels, and discussions.

Strengths Profiling

Discover what comes naturally to you so you can intentionally leverage your strengths in your services and marketing.

Business Retreats

Four-night all-inclusive Business retreats in Kangaroo Valley to plan and execute a specific project.

What makes working with me valuable?

I add value on many levels, but let’s look at three for starters.

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I’ll meet you where you're at.

  • If you don’t want an off-the-shelf program or a formulaic approach to business, but rather, tailored, personal support that meets you exactly where you are at, we’re likely to be a great match.
  • It’s impossible to fit you, your vision, and your ideas into a box, but there are definite benefits to tapping into proven methodologies and approaches. I share frameworks, not formulas that we adjust, extend, and customise to fit you.
  • There is no pre-determined schedule for business development and growth - we'll create and work to your timeline and the role you want this business to play in your life.
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I’m your thinking and growth partner

  • If you’re like most business owners and leaders, you’re juggling a myriad of responsibilities, and are deep down in the trenches. That’s where tunnel vision and blind spots can lurk.
  • I provide fresh eyes and an unbiased perspective on your business challenges, opportunities, and edges.
  • My clients tell me that I seem to be able to almost magically see both the big picture and the most important areas to prioritise. Together we connect the dots that can otherwise be missed.
  • And you’re no longer alone - I’m on call, just a message away, when you hit a wall or an opportunity.
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I’ve been around the tracks

  • I’ve been self-employed, actually owning and operating businesses, since 2012. In addition to my consultancy, I’m currently the co-director, co-owner, and marketing manager of a marine business. I'm NOT a theorist!
  • I know what it’s like to take skills gained in Corporate Land and transfer them into a consultancy and a business.
  • In my strategy and mentoring work over the past 20 years, I’ve seen inside a HUGE variety of businesses - highly successful businesses, those that are just doing ok, and the ones that are struggling. That's invaluable experience that I draw upon every day.
  • I’m a lifelong learner, always synthesising what I discover into actionable insights for my clients and I have a fabulously rich network. If I can’t help with something, I’m likely to know someone who can that I trust and can recommend.

Would like to find out more? Click here to book a Connection Call with me 

Feedback from my clients

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