Let's turn your ideas into action

Business Strategist & Mentor for women - Angela Raspass

Hello! I'm Angela Raspass

I’m a Business Strategist, Mentor, and Facilitator with deep experience that combines creativity with practicality to unlock the next level of potential in your business. With a huge appetite for learning, I transform current insights into action for my clients.

My business journey has been an evolution

After having kids, I created the flexibility I needed, turning my marketing smarts into freelance work. My dining-room-table-business morphed into buying an office and employing a small team as my marketing agency grew, serving clients across three Australian states.

At the same time, my corporate escapee husband was unlocking his next chapter, swapping management consulting for the marine industry. The result? We are co-owners of SailTime Australia, part of the shared economy philosophy that in our case, makes boating accessible and sustainable.

My current chapter

In 2012, I turned the page again, leaving agency land and developing a potent, responsive blend of consulting, mentoring, and facilitation with strategy development staying at my core.

My (late in life) ADHD diagnosis helped to explain why I've always been such a fast and original idea generator, problem solver, and action taker. Clients love the energy, fresh perspective, and uncanny knack for cutting through the clutter to get to the core of an issue my differently wired brain delivers.

Today, what I love most is working with smart, purposeful founders and leaders who want their businesses to sustainably blend contribution, fulfilment, and financial reward.

Who and how I help

Quite simply, I get your ideas out of your head, shape them, and then together, we put them into action. My work includes:

  • Consulting services for founders, partners, teams, and associations through one-off brainstorming sessions, half or full-day workshops, specific projects, or ongoing engagements. Read more>>
  • Strategic planning and mentoring for owners of service-based businesses, practices, and consultancies who want sustained growth, but not at the expense of their sanity. Read more >>
  • As above, but for ADHD'ers who want personal support from someone who sees the world through the same sparky, fast-paced lens! Read more >>
  • Developing, facilitating, and moderating group events on and offline - meetings, workshops, retreats, panels, and discussions. Read more >>

My clients get in touch because they’re at a plateau or a turning point in their business. They're ready for growth with many great ideas, but uncertain about which to prioritise. Or they're keen on growth, but are stuck and unable to see an obvious path.

They need someone to talk through those ideas.

Someone who offers a fresh perspective and can stretch their thinking, spot the gaps and opportunities to create greater impact. And most importantly, someone who can identify the priorities and then develop and help execute an action plan.


Kate Riordan
Process Improvement Consultant.

Right facing purple triangle

"Angela is smart, supportive, real, professional, and holistic offering the right balance of business knowledge and emotional support. I think we all experience doubt and skill or knowledge gaps at different stages. Working with Angela made me feel anything was possible and that I was supported and not alone on this equally scary and exhilarating journey".

What's unique and useful about me?

Lots of things!  At the top of the list, is the variety of service-based businesses I’ve worked with over two decades.

I’ve seen inside successful businesses, those that are just doing ok, and the ones that are struggling. I believe what sets the successful ones apart is a recipe of clarity, smart strategy and self-leadership.

What we see on the outside on websites and social platforms seldom tells the true story. This is why I fiercely guard my clients from falling into the Comparison Trap that leads to setting goals and adopting strategies that don't fit them.

I believe in frameworks, not formulas. Every business is unique. We can, and should, learn from the market but we need to run our own race. It's why I meet you where you are and fit the strategy to you, never the other way around.

I‘ve seen how vital it is for a business to serve its owner as much as it serves its clients and that principle always guides my work.

Business Strategist & Mentor for women - Angela Raspass

Gary Nugent
Managing Partner.

Right facing purple triangle

Angela is a consummate strategic advisor, excellent presenter, and clear-thinking facilitator. She helps provide the sparkle we all look for to make our organisations better.

Angela has provided consulting services to DFK ANZ for several years, and both the individual firms and our Association more broadly have more compelling market positioning, messaging, and enhanced marketing skills as a result of her input and counsel.


The last little snippets...

I believe connection begins with openness, and so here's a little more about me...

  • Some of my top strengths are Growth, Esteem builder, Emotional Awareness, Synthesis, Connector, Catalyst, Ideation, Improver, Activator, and Courage.
  • I am a voracious reader and have three books on the go at any given time on my nightstand, in my handbag, and on my audible app.
  • I achieved a bucket list goal in 2020, publishing "Your Next Chapter, Ditch your doubt, own your worth and build the business you really want".  You can order a copy here.
  • In 2006 I joined a 12-step program, closing the door on an addiction that had been limiting my potential and eroding my self-worth. My lessons in identity shifts, self-compassion, rewiring internal narratives, and building self-belief have been invaluable
  • I'm deeply curious and a life-long learner. Most recently I've completed a Diploma in Positive Psychology, Strengths Profiling Accreditation, the Essential Facilitator Certificate, a Vertical Stage Leadership Program, and a Neuroscience and Wellbeing Certificate.
  • Graham and I have been married since 1995, our son Cameron (who lives in Canberra) is 25, and our daughter Charlotte is 21. We live in beautiful Bayview on the Northern Beaches in Sydney and our family is completed by Remy, arguably the world's cutest Cavoodle.

I'm delighted you've found my world and look forward to understanding yours.

Business Strategist and Self-leadership Coach for women Angela Raspass

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