Feedback - what it's like to work together


Jacqui Holth


Over a year ago along I formed a group called Women in Business with a couple of friends. We wanted to create a welcoming environment where women can come together and speak openly about what they do. It was also envisaged to organically help us all make connections, help us identify what our real purpose is, if we are on the right track, to identify obstacles and challenges and to provide a safe place for us all to be vulnerable at times.

We hold regular events and always engage a keynote speaker to come along and share their story, inspire and provide tools to implement that are applicable to all backgrounds of the women in the audience.

At our last event we had Angela Raspass come along and join us and share her story and some of her golden tools to help empower women to move in the direction they desire. Her manner was so incredibly warm and nurturing yet at the same time firm and honest. The perfect combination. She gave us all so many applicable tools that everybody took away and could use immediately in their own life – for both personal and business endeavours.

What I loved most about Angela was that she was real. She was transparent and very practical, with the perfect combination of warmth and humour. She has taken years of her own experience and the knowledge gained from many teachers around the world and brought it all together in a fabulous program.

As a keynote speaker she was so very engaging and everyone in the audience really felt seen and heard.

I look forward to pursuing more work together with her.