Feedback - what it's like to work together

Tania Willis - Business Retreat participant

Tania Willis

Leadership Specialist

The retreat gave me the opportunity to be away from the day-to-day, think and plan what my next business steps should be. I also met a group of fabulous and inspiring women.  Women who are much further along in their business journey than I am and they were all so incredibly supportive and they were so generous with their advice. One of the best pieces of advice I received was to make sure I don’t try to do it all which is difficult for me, but I’ve had help to put in place strategies to make sure I don’t take on too much and end up overwhelmed and stuck!

I left the retreat feeling energised with more clarity about my target audience and business model, alongside an action plan for the next 3 months. I highly recommend taking the time away and investing in yourself. As leaders of our businesses we need to put time into strategic thinking and Angela is a wonderful support to help you get the outcomes you need to take your business forward.