It was a slow wake up, a resurfacing for Veronica. A growing realisation that she was no longer willing to follow other people’s agendas or help to build other people’s dreams. Although her career to date had been fulfilling and impactful and definitely successful by any means of measurement, it was time for change. It was her turn. Her time to create the business that was calling her.
And there was a deeper realisation too. A readiness to embrace the truth that true joy had left many years prior, when her young daughter passed away. Emotions had been pushed down that needed to be brought to the surface and expressed.
It was time for transformation, in all its forms! The quest for wholeness began.
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Show Notes
As Veronica began this new chapter in her life she spoke to friends and colleagues and discovered that she was not alone. Many women, successful, accomplished women, were asking themselves “is this it?”. The desire to step into something new was bubbling just under the surface for so many of us – but how do we uncover and develop these desires, and take action on them?
There are signposts to follow and cultivate.
Get conscious. Who are you? Wake up to a greater awareness of who you are now, your values and strengths. As yourself, what’s important in your life?
Get curious about who you want to be.Imagine the possibilities of becoming the person you want to be, doing the things you want to do, and exploring what you have to do to get there.
Find Courage. Now is the time to take action, tiny or titanic, to be and do something different. To take courageous action towards making your dream, your new life, a reality. You are the author of your remarkable life.
You are Capable. Realise you are capable of being whoever you need to be and doing whatever you need to do. Celebrate your zone of genius, explore your idea of success, and your commitment to your new remarkable life.
Get Creative. Put your own creative gifts to work designing your dream. Put your own unique stamp on your life, adding to your repertoire, being and doing YOUR way.
Get Connected. Connect to all the parts of you that you’ve found by paying attention to yourself. Connect to your values, strengths, stories and purpose.
And recognise that whilst you are on this journey, this quest for wholeness in Your Next Chapter, you are also going to experience confusion, feel conflicted and even closed and fearful at times, and these are all very normal, very human emotions in times of change and expansion.
That’s when self-compassion plays a most vital role as you find your own way home.
About the speaker
Veronica Strachan is an author, speaker, coach and change expert. She spent three decades in health and human services leadership, IT, Education, Environment and Primary Industries, working across three states and directing national projects. Then, no longer content running other people’s companies, she started her own business, True Dialogue, so that she could have more conversations with purpose and run things the way she wanted to.
She soon discovered that managing your own company was not the whole answer to fulfillment and joy that she had imagined. It took a much more difficult journey of self reflection and personal transformation after some honest conversations with friends, before she eventually found the feeling, healing and reconnection she needed.
Now Veronica speaks, coaches, facilitates and consults on life, leadership, and change management; teaching people and teams from all walks of life. Her purpose is to help you find your way home, to whoever you want to be and whatever you want to do. She works with a new generation of remarkable women leaders who want to make a powerful and compassionate impact on the world.
Veronica’s insights, unique experiences and practical tools were honed by growing up in suburban Melbourne, a child of the 60’s, her professional life as a working mother, and her touchstone for keeping it real—the death of her second daughter, Jacqueline Bree at age 4. Her recently published memoir Breathing While Drowning: One Woman’s Quest for Wholeness, traces her journey from numbing grief back through a series of signposts to a creative, vibrant and joyful life.
Her signposts are the framework for all her coaching programs: Conscious, Curious, Courageous, Capable, Conflicted & Confused, Closed, Creative, Connected, Compassionate & Concordant. Her hope is that her story, and the lessons she learnt will help and inspire you to reconnect to your own vibrant, joyful life—in your own way, at your own pace.
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