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Business Growth Programs

Are you ready to recalibrate and evolve your business success?

Your business is doing pretty well, but you're looking for more... to grow, refine your direction, diversify your services, and expand your reach.

If you're wrestling with a multitude of ideas, seeking more consistent revenue, or wanting to increase your visibility and impact without losing your sanity, I'm here to help.

What does growth look like for you?

Every businesswoman I partner with faces challenges. Maybe you recognise some of these:

  • Idea Overload: "I have no shortage of ideas - but I'm not sure which ones to prioritise or tackle first."
  • Solo Struggles: "I'm tired of going it alone. I need a sounding board and a partner in strategy."
  • Marketing Woes: "Keeping up with marketing demands feels like feeding a beast that's never satisfied."
  • Financial Flux: "My cash flow is unpredictable - how can I smooth the peaks and troughs?"
  • Hidden Gem: "I've done great work, but I’m still one of the best-kept secrets in my industry."
  • Untapped Potential: "I’ve achieved a lot, but I feel there’s much more within me and my business to explore."
  • Strategic Shifts: "I want to pivot or introduce new services without losing what I’ve built."

If these resonate, you're not alone. We'll address these issues head-on and create a roadmap to refine your strategy and amplify your impact. I want you to thrive, not just grow, in the next chapter of your business.

How do I take my business to the next level?

What's my approach?

I meet you where you are at with completely personalised support.

Your next level of success is likely to come from recalibration, rather than reinvention so we harvest the past before strategically creating the future. I also sharpen your Self-leadership skills alongside your strategic skills, anchoring you in the internal authority that facilitates clear and confident business decisions.

Clarity. Strategy. Impact. Ultimately, that's what we work on together as we evolve your business.

In a practical sense, we typically achieve this in three stages:

Business Growth Program Angela Raspass - Business Strategist & Mentor (2)


We harvest, evaluate, and leverage your business history to understand what has worked well, and not so well, in the past before exploring your next-level goals.
The outcome? A shift from uncertainty to clarity.

As we refine your focus and direction, we consider what needs to be adjusted or introduced in your services, audience, marketing and sales.
The outcome? A shift from reactivity to Strategy.

We work on a plan to lift your visibility consistency and authority, leveraging your industry experience and expertise.
The outcome? A shift from frustration to impact.


I'll help you connect the dots in a whole new way!

My business strategy and mentoring support uniquely blends big-picture thinking, gritty detail and emotional support. A recent client said:

"You can very quickly conceptualise the big picture (of any given situation), and visualise all of the ‘dots’, (connected or not), that come together to create it.

You then assess each dot (at lightning speed it appears to me!) and hone straight in what needs the highest priority attention.

You then take these high-priority issues and help me gain clarity by asking just the right questions, and providing invaluable ideas, suggestions, frameworks and solutions that you extract from your vast ‘wisdom-bank’.

I'm then able to make decisions, create change, and formulate clear and accessible next steps to continue the journey towards my goals. It's almost magic!"

Melanie Curry, Founder of Incandescent

The best way to explore which level of support fits you is to have a conversation so we can discuss your goals.

Business Growth Program Inclusions

Business Growth Program Inclusions - Angela Raspass - Strategic Thinking Partner for Business Owners

Are you ready to evolve your business?

BTW, That's the deck at my home below where I facilitate summer strategy sessions!

VIP Day - Strategic Planning for your business

Ready to recalibrate and evolve your business?

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